I like going to the 5 & Diner.
You can get anything you want there, you can even get Mickey pancakes.
I am not a huge fan of their dinner but I LOVE LOVE LOVE their breakfast.
Although you can see a magician on Friday nights, but still order the breakfast.
The Mickey Pancakes taste like Angels coming down to Mickey, wait that doesn't make any sense. Well, they are good.
Make sure to bring Quarters so you play music on the juke box thing. Oh! And you can also hoola hoop there!
5 & Diner Rules!
They also play old, old, old, old TV shows. I mean they are so old that only my Grampa knows what the heck they are talking about!
You better bring your kids!
I give it 2 butterflies for the food and 3 butterflies for having a magician!
I love the 5 and Diner and I love going there with you KO!